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Miscellaneous Settings field group

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Miscellaneous Settings field group

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Use this field group to indicate miscellaneous settings for remote users at your institution. Settings can be indicated for Personal users, Company users, and Sub-Users, depending on which tab this field group is accessed from. These defaults are automatically applied to newly created users.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Force Password Change


Mnemonic: SIFPCG

Use this field to indicate whether account owners of the selected remote user type must change their password next time they log on to your institution's website.

Force Login Name Change


Mnemonic: SIFLCG

Use this field to indicate whether account owners of the selected remote user type must change their username next time they log on to your institution's website.

Restrict Login


Mnemonic: SILRST

Use this field to indicate whether account owners of the selected remote user type are restricted from remote access to their accounts.

Company Restricted*


Mnemonic: SICRST

Use this field to indicate whether Company users or Sub-Users at your institution are restricted from remote access to their accounts. Marking this field disables company sub-user login.

Gather Account Based On EIN/CID**


Mnemonic: SIINSE

Use this field to indicate whether newly created accounts are automatically compiled and assigned to their respective user each time account owners of the selected remote user type log on.

Dual Bill Pay Control**


Mnemonic: SICDTD

Use this field to indicate whether two people are required to set up and authorize Bill Pay transactions for company users at your institution.



*This field does not appear on the Personal tab.


**These fields only appear on the Company tab.

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