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GOLDPrint Setup Screen

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GOLDPrint Setup Screen

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Use this screen to indicate settings, create profiles, view scheduled/available reports, refine reports, and set up automatic reports and email addresses for GOLDPrint at your institution.



Miscellaneous > GOLDPrint > GOLDPrint Setup Screen


There are two main list views at the top of this screen that are visible regardless of which tab is selected. See below for more information about these list views.


hmtoggle_arrow1Setup Profiles list view


hmtoggle_arrow1Scheduled Reports to Print or Download list view


Some critical initialization information must be indicated before profiles can be created on this screen. Click <Settings> to open the Settings dialog. Use this dialog to indicate the necessary parameter information. A setup profile must also be set up before printing, downloading, or emailing reports from this screen. To create a profile, click <New Setup> to open the New Setup dialog. Use this dialog to determine where reports will be sent (file location, printer, specified email addresses, etc).


See GOLDPrint Setup Buttons to learn more about the function of each button on this screen.


The tabs on this screen are as follows:


Reports tab


Email Management tab

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