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YTD Distribution Amount

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YTD Distribution Amount

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Entry: User, numeric

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: CAYTDF

Screen: Loans > Payee Information > Detail tab


This field displays the total of all amounts disbursed to the selected payee by the LIP Disbursement transaction for which a check and check register has been printed during the current calendar year.


Any amount disbursed manually will not be included in this value. Such amounts must be added to this field manually. This field must also be file maintained manually if a check that has already been sent needs to be voided.


This field is only used for construction loans (LIP) and not for reserve disbursements or broker fees.


At year-end, this field clears to zero. Disbursements from different loans to the same payee will update this field. The amount in this field is fed to IRS GOLD.


WARNING: This amount could be incorrect if the Report to IRS field is left blank at the beginning of the year and marked later in the year.

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