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Within Due Date Day

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Within Due Date Day

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Entry: User, numeric

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: LNWIDY

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Payment Information > Loan Information tab


This option is available for customers who are set up to make automatic payments (see Setting Up Recurring Payments) but who also want to make additional payments within the same frequency. This option affects the number of times the system rolls the Due Date for payments. When this option is set, the Due Date should only roll once, even though more than one payment is made. Note: This option cannot be set to zero.


For example, the system processes an automatic payment on the same date as the Due Date. The value in this field is “2” (meaning two days before the Due Date). The customer makes a walk-in payment two days before the Due Date. Therefore, the system would roll the Due Date when the walk-in payment is made, but it would not roll the Due Date when the automatic payment is processed two days later.


Conversely, if a customer makes a payment five days before the Due Date (and the value in this field is “2,” meaning two days before the Due Date), the system will not roll the Due Date, because the payment was not made within the number of days indicated in this field. However, when the automatic payment is processed five days later on the Due Date, the Due Date is rolled to the next payment Frequency.


This field works best if it is set to “2” or “3” (meaning two or three days before the Due Date) and the Recurring days prior to Due Date Effective field is set to zero. This field determines when the system processes the automatic payment and rolls the Due Date.


In order to use this field, the account's Payment Method must be 3, 6, or 16. Use Spread Payments must be marked for payment method 3 or 6 loans.


If your institution wants to use this field, contact GOLDPoint Systems.


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