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Times Past Due field group
These fields display the number of payments that have been paid past the due date (delinquent) throughout the life of the customer loan account. This information is organized into four time periods that represent the number of days past due: 1-29, 30-59, 60-89, and 90 or Over (mnemonic LNLT10, LNLT30, LNLT60, LNLT90)
The system will automatically update these fields when a late charge is assessed. If a late charge is assessed for a zero amount (grace days are set up, but there is no late charge rate or code), the appropriate Days field will still be updated.
The Times Late field (mnemonic LNLTNO) indicates the total number of times the account has been delinquent in payment. The Times Waived field (mnemonic LNLTWV) indicates the total number of times late charges have been waived on the account.
The Credit Bureau Status field (mnemonic LNLCBS) represents the status code of the account calculated during the afterhours the night before the due date. The status of the account is reevaluated at the end of the month and is changed if the account is found to be more delinquent than this field indicates.
Use the Report to Credit Bureau field (mnemonic LNCRBU) to indicate whether your institution wants to share this information with the credit bureau specified for the customer loan account.
The Date Last Late field (mnemonic LNLTDT) indicates the most recent date the account was found to be delinquent.