Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Account Reserve Detail Screen > Reserve Payment tab > Reserve 1 and 2 field groups >

Reserve Balance

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Account Reserve Detail Screen > Reserve Payment tab > Reserve 1 and 2 field groups >

Reserve Balance

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No

Mnemonic: LNR1BL, LNR2BL

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Account Reserve Detail > Reserve Payment tab


This field contains the amount that has been paid by the borrower to apply to such things as taxes, insurance, etc. It can only be entered through a teller transaction.


Institution Option I R2NG prevents a negative Reserve 2 Balance. With this option, if a transaction creates a negative balance, the error message, “Disbursement/Reserve 2 Would be Negative” appears on the Afterhours Processing Exceptions Listing report. If you would like this option, submit a work order.

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