Navigation: Loans > Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Additional Loan Fields Screen > Classification/Purpose tab >
Regulatory Classifications field group
The fields in the Regulatory Classifications field group on the Classification/Purpose tab are for loan regulatory purposes.
The fields in this field group are as follows:
Field |
Description |
Mnemonic: LNAPCD |
This field is for purpose codes to be used on the Call Report (FPSRP315). Purpose codes are defined by regulatory agencies and will be announced as they are made available. See below for a list of possible selections in this field.
Mnemonic: LNAMOR |
This field describes the possible amortization categories for this loan. It is used for regulatory report purposes. See below for a list of possible selections in this field.
Mnemonic: LNMATM |
Click the list icon
1 - Balloon Payment 2 - Single Payment
Single payment loans should be coded using maturity modifier 2, action code 18, and the action date as the single pay maturity date. |
Mnemonic: LNINSU |
This field identifies the type of insurer. It is used for regulatory report purposes. Click the list icon
Available codes are as follows:
Mnemonic: MLSIC3 |
This is the North American Industrial Code Standards (NAICS). NAICS is an industry classification system that groups establishments into industries based on the activities in which they are primarily engaged. It is a comprehensive system covering the entire field of economic activities, producing and nonproducing. See below for more information.
Mnemonic: MLCDLP |
Select this checkbox if this is a community development loan. |
Mnemonic: MLENTZ |
Select this checkbox if this loan is for property located in an enterprise zone. An enterprise zone is a specific geographic area targeted for economic revitalizing. Enterprise zones encourage economic growth and investment in distressed areas by offering tax advantages and incentives to businesses locating within the enterprise zone boundaries. States offer “Enterprise Zone” programs to improve the economies of areas within a state with high poverty or unemployment rates. These state programs offer income or premium tax credits and property tax reductions. |
Mnemonic: LNSB1M |
Select this checkbox if this is a Small Business Association (SBA) loan to a business with gross annual revenues of $1 million or less. Indicate with a checkmark (by clicking the box) that this is an SBA loan with gross annual revenues under $1 million. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank. |
Mnemonic: LNN4PF |
Select this checkbox if this loan is a not-for-profit project. The system does not use this field. It is for information purposes only or for writing GOLDWriter reports for your institution’s reference. |
Mnemonic: LNRLND |
Select this checkbox if the collateral for this loan is raw land. The default for the checkbox is deselected, indicating this loan is not for raw land. This field is used on the LTV Exception Report (FPSRP255). |