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Index & Margins field group

Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Consumer Line-of-Credit Screen > Rate Information tab >

Index & Margins field group

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This field group displays index & margin information for the customer line-of-credit (LOC) loan account.




To learn more about how LOC loans function, see the Line-of-Credit Loan Information help page.


The fields in this field group are as follows:




Interest Rate


Mnemonic: LNRATE

This field displays the current interest rate on the loan.

Payment Rate Pointer


Mnemonic: RTCL34

This field displays the current rate pointer on the loan, as set up on the Loans > System Setup Screens > Interest Rate Tables screen.

Last Index


Mnemonic: LNAPIN

This field displays the most recent index rate used on the loan. The interest rate Margin is added to or subtracted from this rate to determine the actual loan Rate. For delinquent loans, this value does not match the rate for the delinquent payment. It displays the rate as if the loan were current. To see the rate for the delinquent payment you must look in loan history.

Interest Offset/Margin


Mnemonic: LNROFF

This field displays the percentage is used in conjunction with the Rate Pointer and Index to calculate a new loan rate.

Round Rate/To Nearest



These fields indicate how the Rate is rounded each time it changes on the loan. Loans can be rounded Up, Down, or To Nearest.

Prime Lower/Upper Limits


Mnemonic: LNPLSO

These fields indicate the minimum and maximum rates allowed on the loan after adding the Index and the Margin.

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