Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Additional Loan Fields Screen > Valuation/Billing tab > Non-Accrual field group >

Non-Accrual Start

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Additional Loan Fields Screen > Valuation/Billing tab > Non-Accrual field group >

Non-Accrual Start

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Entry: User, date

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: L3NASD

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Additional Loan Fields > Valuation/Billing tab


This field displays the date the non-accrual status was set on this loan. This date is set on the day an employee at your institution runs the Non-Accrual transaction (tran code 583) in GOLDTeller. However, you can file maintain this field to a different date using the drop-down calendar.


To remove the non-accrual status from a loan, use the Clear Non-Accrual transaction (tran code 584) in GOLDTeller. The date the Clear Non-Accrual transaction is run will appear in the Non-Accrual End.


Two reports are available that will display all non-accrual accounts generated at monthend. See the Non-Accrual Loan Report (FPSRP137) and the Accrued Interest Report (FPSRP019) in the Loan Reports manual for more information.


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