Navigation:  Loan Screens > Payoff Screen > Balances tab > Payoff Fields field group >

Letter Number

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Payoff Screen > Balances tab > Payoff Fields field group >

Letter Number

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No

Mnemonic: POEVNT

Screen: Loans > Payoff > Balances tab


This field displays a number representing the payoff quote letter that will print during afterhours processing on the Letter Date. A Letter Date must be indicated before a payoff quote letter will be printed. Letter numbers (and event letters) must be set up by GOLDPoint Systems before they can be used in this field.


This letter is generated through the GOLD EventLetters system. For more information, see the Event 14 Loan Payoff Event section in the GOLD EventLetters manual on DocsOnWeb.


When the customer letter is set up to be printed in the afterhours or printed online, the loan payoff can be Locked so that the customer guarantees the payoff Quote.

Customer letters can also be set up to print during the afterhours processing. They are set up through the GOLD EventLetters system. (See GOLD EventLetters in DocsOnWeb for details.) Once the letter is established in GOLD EventLetters, the letter number and date are entered on this screen.


If a payoff record has not been created and a payoff event letter is requested using this and the Letter Date fields, the letter will not be created and will appear as a reject on the Event Letter Report (FPSRP175).)

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