Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Reserve Analysis Screen > Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab > Analysis Fields field group >

Last Analysis Date

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Reserves Screen Group > Reserve Analysis Screen > Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab > Analysis Fields field group >

Last Analysis Date

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Entry: User, numeric

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: LNLADT

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Reserves > Reserve Analysis > Options, Limits & Loan Fields tab


This field contains the date on which the reserve analysis was last processed for this loan. The system supplies this information, and you are able to file maintain the field. History for the next analysis begins on this date.


See also:

Reserve Analysis Statement (FPSRP339) and Reserve Analysis Report (FPSRP339) on DocsOnWeb

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