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Identifiable Event Code

Navigation:  Loan Screens > IRS Form 1099-C Screen > 1099-C Entry Fields field group >

Identifiable Event Code

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Entry: User, drop-down list

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: IRCL01                                

Screen: Loans > IRS Form 1099-C screen


Use this field to indicate an event code pertaining to your institution canceling the customer's debt.


The information for this field is pulled from GOLDTeller when a Full Write-off Transaction (tran code 2510-05) or Partial Write-off Transaction (tran code 2510-00) are run. This information is passed through to IRS GOLD and then transmitted to the IRS by GOLDPoint Systems.


Possible selections in this field are:


BOther Judicial Debt Relief
CStatute of Limitations or Expiration of Deficiency Period
DForeclosure Election
EDebt Relief from Probate or Similar Proceedings
FBy Agreement
GDecision or Policy to Discontinue Collection
HExpiration of Nonpayment Testing Period
IOther Actual Discharge Before Identifiable Event


Note: Per IRS publication “Instructions for Forms 1099-A and 1099-C” for the year 2012, all identifiable event codes are optional except for Code A – Bankruptcy.

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