Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Insurance Screen Group > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager Screen >

Insurance Manager Screen: Home Owners Insurance

Navigation:  Loans > Loan Screens > Insurance Screen Group > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager Screen >

Insurance Manager Screen: Home Owners Insurance

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Note: This screen is being discontinued by GOLDPoint Systems. Institutions should use the Loans > Insurance > Tracking Insurance screen instead. If your institution still uses this screen, please consider migrating to the Tracking Insurance screen soon. GOLDPoint Systems plans to completely remove this screen in future updates for CIM GOLD. If your institution still uses this screen, see field help below.


If the insurance Type is Home Owners Insurance, the Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager screen appears as follows:



Loans > Insurance > Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager Screen for Home Owners Insurance


Use this screen to view and edit homeowner insurance information for the customer loan account.


To create an insurance item (and add it to the list view), click <Create New>, enter information in the fields on this screen, then click <Save Changes>. To edit an existing insurance item, select an item in the list view to populate the fields on this screen with that item's information, then click <Save Changes>. The fields will then be available for editing. Insurance items can be deleted by selecting them in the list view and clicking <Delete>.


See the main screen help for information about the fields that appear on all versions of the Auto & Home Owner Insurance Manager screen. The field groups that are unique to this version of this screen are as follows:


Company and Agent Information field groups


Property Address field group


Miscellaneous field group


Insurance Type field group

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