Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Additional Loan Fields Screen > Origination/Maturity tab >

Broker Number

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Additional Loan Fields Screen > Origination/Maturity tab >

Broker Number

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: LNBRK#

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Additional Loan Fields > Origination/Maturity tab


This field contains the number assigned to the broker who brought this loan to the institution. This information is usually brought over from GOLDTrak PC when the loan is originated or transferred into CIM GOLD. However, you can enter a valid broker number in this field. All brokers must be first be assigned a number, along with their address and payment information, on the Loans > Payee Information screen.


Additionally, if the Report to IRS box is checked for the broker on the Payee Information screen, this broker and the amount in the Broker Fee for the current year are fed to the IRS GOLD system for reporting to the IRS on 1099-MISC forms. At year-end, the system looks at all loans opened that year and totals the fee amounts for each broker number. One 1099-MISC is created combining the fees of each loan for the same broker. Your institution is responsible for printing 1099-MISC forms and processing them with the IRS and brokers. Year-end information is transmitted automatically to the IRS via GOLDPoint Systems. See the Loan Year-end User's Guide under the Loans menu in DocsOnWeb for more information on end-of-year processing.


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