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Overdraft Statistics field group

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Overdraft Statistics field group

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This field group displays non-file maintainable fields that display statistics relating to overdrafting on the customer deposit account.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Date of Last Overdraft


Mnemonic: DMDTOD

The most recent date the customer account held an insufficient amount to complete a transaction.

Date Overdraft Failed


Mnemonic: DMODFA

The most recent date that overdraft processing was unable to complete a transaction, when the customer account used all overdraft options and still did not have enough money.

Cycle-to-Date Overdrafts


Mnemonic: DMODCY

The number of times during the present statement cycle that a transaction required the use of overdraft accounts to complete.

Year-to-Date Overdrafts


Mnemonic: DMODYD

The number of times during the present year that a transaction required the use of overdraft accounts to complete.

Life-to-Date Overdrafts


Mnemonic: DMODLD

The number of times during the course of the customer account's lifetime that a transaction required the use of overdraft accounts to complete.


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