Navigation:  Deposits > Deposit Screens > Retirement Screen Group > Retirement Plan Screen >


Navigation:  Deposits > Deposit Screens > Retirement Screen Group > Retirement Plan Screen >


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Your security administrator should set up each user or profile to access this screen with the ability to make changes to fields or view information on this screen. Two types of security are available for this screen:


Screen level

Field level


Screen-level Security


To set up screen-level security:


1.Select the user or profile for which you want to set up security for on the Security > Setup screen. See these sections in the Security in CIM GOLD manual for more information:
Employee tab
CIM GOLD Profile tab

2.Access the CIM GOLD tab.


3.Under Deposits > Retirement > Retirement Plan screen, select one of the radio buttons: Inquire, Maintain, or None.

a.Select Inquire for view-only access. If you set it to view-only access, then field-level security is not available. The user/profile will only be allowed to view information on this screen; not make changes in any of the fields.

b.Select Maintain and the user/profile will be able to make changes to fields on this screen. You can restrict individual fields on this screen for those maintenance users, as described in the Field-level Security topic below.

c.Select None and the user will not be able to access the Retirement Plan screen. The screen will not even be seen as on option from the left tree navigation in CIM GOLD for that user or profile.


4.Click <Save Changes>.

Field-level Security


Sometimes users at your institution can have full security maintenance to a screen, but for certain fields on that screen you may need to restrict users from making changes. Field-level security allows you to restrict certain fields from being changed.


To restrict fields:


1.Access the Security > Setup screen > Field Level tab.


2.Select the name or profile for which you want to restrict fields on the Retirement Plan screen.


3.Under Record Type, select "FPRP - Retirement Plans."


4.Check the Restrict box next to each field that should be restricted for this employee or profile. The field will be added to the Restricted Fields list view table. For example, the Date Opened field should generally never be changed once a retirement plan has been opened. Therefore, you would check the box for Date Opened (RPDTOP), and that field on the Retirement Plan screen will be grayed out and not allow changes for that user or profile.


5.Click <Save Changes> once you've restricted all applicable fields.

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