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History Criteria fields

Navigation:  Deposit Screens > Definitions Screen Group > System History Screen >

History Criteria fields

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Use these fields to establish criteria to use when searching the system for file maintenance history.  Click <Get History> to populate the Record list view with history items that match the criteria established in these fields.




Use the Record field to select the type of file maintenance record code (and description) you want to search for.


Use each category's Start and End fields to establish a range to use in the search. You can establish a range for file maintenance Date, Time, and Teller/Employee number (the teller or ID number of the person who performed file maintenance).


A Start value entered alone will result in only history associated with the indicated Date, Time, and/or Teller/Employee number being displayed in the list view. An End value entered alone will result in all history leading up to the indicated Date, Time, and Teller/Employee number being displayed in the list view.

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