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Limits field group

Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Dealers Screen > Name/Info tab >

Limits field group

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Use this field group to indicate rate, term, and amount limits for the dealer being created/edited on this screen.


These fields are optional. If any of these fields do not contain information, the dealer will not have those limit values imposed.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Default Rate


Mnemonic: DLDFLT

Use this field to indicate the default interest rate the dealer can offer its customers.

Max. Participation Rate


Mnemonic: DLMXPT

Use this field to indicate the dealer's maximum participation rate.

Min/Max Loan Amount



Use these fields to indicate the dollar amount range the dealer is allowed to loan its customers. Requests for amounts higher or lower than this range will be automatically rejected.

Min/Max Loan Term



Use these fields to indicate the term length range (in number of months) the dealer is allowed to set for customer loans. Requests for term lengths higher or lower than this range will be automatically rejected.

Min/Max APR %



Use these fields to indicate the APR range the dealer is allowed to set for customer loans. Requests for rates higher or lower than this range will be automatically rejected.

Total Outstanding


Mnemonic: DLGTOB

This field displays the total number of outstanding loans the dealer has secured through your company.

Liability Limit


Mnemonic: DLLIAB

Use this field to indicate the liability limit the dealer is protected for. This amount can include garage liability, crime, property damage, umbrella coverage, etc.

Exp Date


Mnemonic: N/A

Use this field to indicate the expiration date of the dealer's Liability coverage.

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