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Application Options field group

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Application Options field group

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Use this field group to indicate the options included when your institution processes loan applications through eGOLDTrak.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Pull Credit

Use this field to indicate whether credit reports and scores will be pulled for loan applications when they are processed through eGOLDTrak.

Use PDF Application

Use this field to indicate whether a GOLDTrak-generated, PDF-formatted version of the loan application will be used instead of the HTML-formatted version when viewing submitted applications on the Web.

Use Pre-Approval

Use this box to indicate whether dealers will be allowed to submit applications for pre-approval through eGOLDTrak.

Default Program

Use this field to indicate the default program to be used in the eGOLDTrak loan application process.

Credit Days Back

Use this field to indicate the number of days that will be used to search for previous credit in the eGOLDTrak loan application process.

Exported Application Expiration

Use this field to indicate the number of days before an exported eGOLDTrak loan application expires.

Temporary Application Expiration

Use this field to indicate the number of days before a temporary eGOLDTrak loan application expires. This number should be greater than the number entered in the Temporary Application Expiration Warning field.

Temporary Application Expiration Warning

Use this field to indicate the number of days before customers are issued a warning that their temporary eGOLDTrak loan applications are about to expire. This number should be less than the number entered in the Temporary Application Expiration field.

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