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Tran Code 2910-03, Reversal of Vehicle Service Contracts

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Tran Code 2910-03, Reversal of Vehicle Service Contracts

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This transaction allows for Vehicle Service Contract (VSC) refunds to maintain regulatory compliance. This transaction can only be initiated within CIM GOLDTeller; you cannot run this transaction from the Loans > Insurance > Adjustments screen.


This transaction differs from the original Cancel Insurance transaction (tran code 2910-00) in that it allows you to decide what amount of the insurance policy’s commissions are to be refunded to the customer at cancellation. It also allows you to run the Cancel Insurance transaction by either policy type and number or insurance record sequence number.


Also, all refund options on the insurance policy, such as Refund Rule (INRULE), Minimum Refund Amount (INMINR), Do Not Refund (INDNRF), and Return All Within NN Days (INRTNA) are ignored. (See Insurance Information field group on the Loans > Insurance > Policy Detail help.)


The transaction will appear as shown below when you first add the transaction. We recommend changing the name of the fields highlighted below for ease of use.




As with all transactions, you can edit the transaction for your institution’s specifications. We suggest making the following modifications in Administrator Options > Transaction Design:


Change Code 1 (Field 185) to Policy Type

Change Y/n Field 1 (Field 210) to Use Seq Counter

Change Code 2 (Field 186) to Insurance Seq Counter

Change Y/n Field 2 (Field 211) to Use Commission Override %

Change Unspecified Amount (Field 74) to Override Commission %


Tip: See the Field Properties Screen topic in the CIM GOLDTeller User’s Guide for information on how to change the names of these fields.


With your changes saved, the transaction will appear like the example below.





Running the Transaction


The insurance policy is retrieved by inputting the policy type and number or the insurance record sequence number, as shown above. To use the insurance record sequence number, check Use Sequence Counter (originally Y/n Field 1) and input the number listed in the Sequence column shown on the Policy Detail screen (Loans > Insurance > Policy Detail), as shown below. If no sequence number is listed, input "0" or leave blank the Insurance Seq Counter field.



Sequence Column


The refund amount will not be prorated and will need to be manually input by the teller in the Tran Amount field. You should train your tellers what amounts to put in the Tran Amount field, or only allow supervisors who understand this transaction to run it.


Tip: You can modify the Transaction Menu by profile, so only supervisors can view and select this transaction from the CIM GOLDTeller menu. See Menu Design in the CIM GOLDTeller User’s Guide on how to set up different menus based on profiles.


The Effective Date will default to today’s date if the teller does not input a different date.


Commission Refund Calculation


The Commission Refund is calculated differently depending on whether you use the Override Percentage fields on this new transaction, as described below.

blueminustoggleNot Using Override Percentage Fields
blueminustoggleAre Using Override Percentage Fields


Principal Balance Reduction


This transaction does not allow for any returned amounts to be sent via a check to the borrower. Instead, the Principal Balance is reduced by the amount of the transaction.


Other Field Maintenance


Other fields that are updated after this transaction is run are as follows:


Cancellation Code (INCANC) is set to "4 – Insurer Request."

Cancellation Date (INCAND) is set to the Effective Date entered on the transaction. If the Effective Date is left blank on the transaction, the Cancellation Date is populated with the transaction run date.

Cancellation Posting Date (INCADT) is populated with the transaction posting date.

If the transaction is reversed, the system reverses all the transactions at the time of cancellation and clears the insurance cancellation fields.


The following stipulations are required for the transaction to run:


The account should be open (LNCLSD = N and LNUNOP = N)

The account should not be released (LNRLSD = N)

The account policy should not be canceled (LNCANC = 0)

The account should not be frozen (LNHLD1 <> 60 and LNHLD2 <> 60 and LNHLD3 <> 60 and LNHLD4 <> 60)

The should not be locked into payoff (Action Codes not set to “23 – Locked in for Payoff)




If you need to make a reverse a cancellation, you can bring up the transaction, but when the transaction box appears, check the Correction box.


You will only need to input either the policy type and number or insurance record sequence number to reverse the transaction before clicking <Send> to reverse the transaction.


New Policy Type


We have also added a new Policy Type to the IMAC tables, so it will show in the Type field (INTYPC) on the Loans > Insurance > Policy Detail screen. The new type is "45 – Vehicle Service Contract."


GOLDPoint Systems adds the insurance policy type using IMAC Table FPINTYPD.




If your institution is interested in using this transaction, you will need to add the transaction to your GOLDTeller menu, as well as adjust the design of the transaction for tellers’ ease of use. See these topics in the CIM GOLDTeller User’s Guide for more information on how to setup transactions:


Menu Design

Transaction Design



Tip: If you do not see transaction code 2910-03 in your list of transaction codes on the Menu Design screen, in your list of transaction codes on the Menu Design screen, complete the following steps to refresh the list and load any new transactions from Core Services:

1.While in CIM GOLDTeller, select "Update All Transactions" from under the Functions menu in CIM GOLDTeller. The system will download all changes to transactions and any new transactions.

2.Log off CIM GOLDTeller, then log back on.

3.You should see all new transactions available on the Menu Design screen.


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