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CIM GOLDTeller Options menu optionsicon


The items on the CIM GOLDTeller Options menu allow you to set up defaults for transactions and printing.




Enable Ready to Print Dialog: A function in GOLDTeller brings up a dialog box every time something is printed from GOLDTeller. The dialog states "Ready to Print Display." The item will not be printed until you click <OK> on this dialog. This gives you time to make the necessary preparations for printing, if needed.


Display All Print: Displays all documents that are sent to the printer in the Output Display.


Automatically Fill Account List: When you select a name from the CIF Search, all accounts for the IRS owner will be shown automatically in the Account list.


Multiple Transaction Balancing Display: The Balancing Display dialog box will automatically be displayed when <Send> is clicked for a transaction.


Skip Receipt Print on Forwarding: If you select this option, a receipt will not automatically print when you complete a transaction.



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