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Posting Fields Descriptions

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Posting Fields Descriptions

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The list view at the top of the Posting Fields screen displays all amount fields that have already been assigned posting fields for your institution. Select an amount field in the list view to edit that amount field's posting fields on this screen. You can delete any of the posting field setups in this list view by selecting the desired posting field(s) and pressing <Delete>.


New posting fields can be indicated by pressing <Create New> and entering information in the fields on this screen.


You can print the information in this list view by clicking <Print Report>, or you can send that information to Report Manager by clicking <Report Manager>.


The fields on this screen are as follows:




System Code


Mnemonic: GPGSYS

The code displayed in this field indicates the system for this amount number and posting field. The items in the Amount Number field and Posting Fields fields will change depending on which System Code you choose.


Available codes are:


L = Loans (10)
D = Deposits (20)
O = Other (30)


Once a posting field has been set up, you cannot change the System Code field.

Amount Number


Mnemonic: GPGAMT

When setting up posting fields, you must define a System Code and Amount Number.


Click the list icon listicon and select the amount number you want to assign posting fields to. The list will not be populated unless you have selected a System Code. Depending on which System Code you selected, the items in this list will change accordingly.


After the System Code and Amount Number have been selected, assign Posting Fields to that amount number. This information is crucial when setting up Autopost Parameters.


You cannot change information in this field once it's been set up.


All possible amount fields are listed in the GOLD Services > General Ledger > Autopost Parameters Screen > General Ledger Amount Fields help. Go through this list and determine those amount fields that your institution will be using. These are the amount fields that should be set up on this screen.

Posting Fields


Mnemonic: GPGPST

The posting field numbers designate the transaction characteristics used in deciding which General Ledger account should receive the money for the Amount Number field. For each Amount Number, you can enter from 1 to 10 posting fields, from the 15 posting fields your institution has selected in the organization options (see Posting Fields screen help). If no posting fields are needed, leave the fields blank to validate the use of the Amount Number field.


The items in the list that appears after you click the list icon listicon change according to what System Code and Amount Number you've selected, along with the posting fields that have been set up for your institution in the organization options. For a list of all available Posting Fields, see General Ledger Posting Fields. There are 42 possible posting fields that may be selected for use by an institution. These are divided into loan, deposit, and other categories. Up to 15 posting fields may be selected from each category.


After you set up the information on this screen, the Autopost Parameters screen can be set up with further Autopost information. When setting up the Amount Number field on that screen, all applicable Posting Fields set up on this screen will automatically be displayed.

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