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Cross References Field Descriptions

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Cross References Field Descriptions

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The list view at the top of the Cross Reference screen displays all cross reference records that have already been set up for your institution. Select a reference record in the list to view and edit that record's information in the fields below.


The fields on the Cross References screen are as follows:






Mnemonic: GCGSYS

This field displays the system code for which the cross reference record affects. If setting up a new cross reference record, click the list icon listicon and select one of the available system codes. Possible codes are:

L (Loan) - 10

D (Deposit) - 20

O (Other) - 30

G/L Account Number


Mnemonic: N/A



In this field, the General Ledger account number that is to be converted to a different account number is displayed. As you fill in each of the sub-fields of the G/L account number with the maximum number of characters, the cursor is automatically tabbed to the next field. If you enter a valid account number, the system will automatically pull the description for that G/L account. Account numbers and their descriptions are set up in the General Ledger system, Single Account screen (function 53/54) or Multiple Account screen (function 57/58).


Once a cross reference record is set up, this field cannot be changed. You'll either need to delete the cross reference record or create a new one.


To create a new cross reference record for your institution:


1.Click <Create New>.


2.Click the list icon listicon in the System field to select the system for this cross reference. Possible choices are: O (Other) - 30; D (Deposits) - 20; or L (Loans) - 10.


3. Enter the G/L Account Number that is to be converted to a different account number.


4. Enter the To Account For Debits to which debits should be posted when cross referencing transactions from the old G/L Account Number to the new G/L number. The To Account For Debits cannot be left blank or zero filled.


5. Enter the To Account For Credits to which credits should be posted when cross referencing transactions from the old G/L Account Number to the new G/L number. The To Account For Credits cannot be left blank or zero filled.


6. Click <Save Changes>.



Note: If the General Ledger account numbers entered in the To Account For Debits or To Account For Credits fields are not valid, an error provider erroricon will be displayed next to those numbers. The account number entered in the from G/L Account Number field is not validated. Parameter substitutions cannot be used in any of the G/L account fields on the Cross References screen. As you fill in each of the sub-fields in any of the G/L account number fields with the maximum number of characters, the cursor is automatically tabbed to the next field.

G/L Account Description


Mnemonic: N/A

This field is pulled from the General Ledger account description, as set up on the Single Account screen (function 53/54) or Multiple Account screen (function 57/58) in GOLDVision or G/L GOLD. Information does not appear in this field until after you enter information in the G/L Account Number, To Account For Debits, and To Account For Credits fields. An account description will only be displayed if you have entered a valid G/L account in the G/L Account Number field. You cannot make changes to this field.

To Account For Debits


Mnemonic: N/A

In this field, enter the General Ledger account number to which debits should be cross referenced and posted when the Autopost Parameters call for the account in the from G/L Account Number field.


This field cannot  contain the same number as that in the G/L Account Number field. An entry in this field is required and it cannot be left blank or zero filled. As you fill in each of the sub-fields of To Account For Debits with the maximum number of characters, the cursor is automatically tabbed to the next field.

To Account For Credits


Mnemonic: N/A

In this field, enter the General Ledger account number to which credits should be cross referenced and posted when the Autopost Parameters call for the account in the from G/L Account Number field.


This field cannot contain the same number as that in the G/L Account Number field. An entry in this field is required and it cannot be left blank or zero filled. As you fill in each of the sub-fields of To Account For Credits with the maximum number of characters, the cursor is automatically tabbed to the next field.

G/L Substitution Table


Mnemonic: N/A

This table is for reference only. It displays the parameter substitutions used on the Autopost Parameters screen. Parameter substitutions cannot be used on this screen.

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