Navigation: GOLD Services > GOLD Services Screens > General Ledger Screen Group > Autopost Parameters Screen >
Autopost Parameters Field Descriptions
The list view at the top of the Autopost Parameters screen displays Autopost parameters that have already been set up for your institution on this screen.
System and Amount search fields are located above the list view. Selecting information in these fields causes the list view to only display autopost parameters that match the indicated information. Possible selections in the System field are L - 10 (loans), D - 20 (deposits), and O - 30 (other systems). The possible selections in the Amount field depend on the selection in the System field and what amount numbers your institution has set up in general ledger posting fields. See General Ledger Amount Fields for more information.
This list view is sorted by system code, then amount number (based on the last two digits of the amount number), and finally by sequence number, all in ascending order. In other words, all the parameters for amount numbers L-4, L-104, and L-204 will be sorted together, followed by L-5, L-105, and L-205, etc. This is the default sort order. Like most list views in CIM GOLD, if you click on a column heading, you can sort by that column in ascending or descending order.
Select an item in the list to view that item's information in the fields on this screen. Some of these fields can then be edited for the selected item. Press <Create New> to use these fields to create a new autopost parameter. See below for information about using the <Copy> button to create a new parameter by copying information from an existing parameter.
The other fields on this screen are as follows.
Field |
Description |
Mnemonic: GAGSYS |
This is a required field when setting up Autopost parameters. Possible selections in this field are L - 10 (loans), D - 20 (deposits), and O - 30 (other systems). You cannot change information in the System field once a parameter has been set up on this screen. |
Mnemonic: GAGAMT |
This is a required field when setting up Autopost parameters. Click the list icon |
Mnemonic: GAGSEQ |
This is a required field when setting up Autopost parameters. Sequence numbers are defined by your institution. You can designate different sequence numbers to go with the same System and Amount. However, you cannot have the same Amount, System, and Sequence for more than one parameter. See below for recommendations about designating sequence numbers.
Two groups of Posting Field Descriptions with their 5 accompanying High and Low fields are visible on this screen. These fields allow the further breakdown of an amount number into several General Ledger accounts. See below for more information.
Mnemonic: GSGPST |
This is a required field when setting up Autopost parameters. Use this field to enter a General Ledger account number for the selected parameter. This will be the account where matching transactions of the parameter will debit or credit funds. As you fill in each of the sub-fields of the G/L account number with the maximum number of characters, the cursor is automatically tabbed to the next field. The system will return an error provider
The format for the General Ledger Account Number field is defined on the Account Structure screen (function 5/6) in the General Ledger system.
You can also use parameter substitutions in your General Ledger account number entries. Refer to the G/L Substitution Table field below for more information. |
Mnemonic: N/A
This table is for reference only. If you want to use a parameter substitution code in place of the sub-account field in the General Ledger Account Number field (above), use this field to view possible substitution codes. For more information about substitutions, see Parameter Substitution. |
Mnemonic: GAGSUM |
Mark this field if you want to summarize transactions on the General Ledger Autopost Recap (FPSRP16) and as they are posted to the General Ledger using this parameter. A check in this field will cause transactions posted through this parameter to be summarized on reports and when posted to the General Ledger when posting by recap. Transactions will be summarized according to the summarization options set up for your institution on the GOLD Services > General Ledger > Summarization Setup screen. By default, transactions are summarized by transaction code if no other Summarization Options are specified. If the Summarize on Recap box is left blank, then transactions will not be summarized in the General Ledger or on reports, but will be posted and displayed on reports with each item in detail.
Mnemonic: GAGDSC |
Use this field to indicate the description of this posting you want to appear in General Ledger history and on reports. When creating a description, enter enough information to distinguish the parameters involved and the nature of the General Ledger posting. |
Mnemonic: GAGSRC |
Use this field to indicate a source code of the posting that you want to appear in General Ledger history and on reports. This is an institution-defined, 4-character, alphanumeric code. This field is not required. If nothing is entered in this field, the transaction code will appear on the General Ledger reports where the source code is used as a column heading, and posting is by recap.
This field is not valid on deposit transactions, only on loan transactions. |