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Loan System

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Loan System

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Payment Adjustment Screen Available for Signature Loans

Employee Changes Affects Household

Today's Date Defaults into Event Letter Date Field

Promise to Pay Collection Comment Added to Promise Tracking Screen

Employment Start/End Dates Now Available on Marketing and Collections Screen

Amortize All Checkbox Replaced By Deferred Cost Checkbox

Investor Record Duplicate Protection





Payment Adjustment Screen Available for Signature Loans


CMP: 10111


CIM GOLD Version 7.9.4

The new Loans > Transactions > Payment Adjustment screen is now available to use when adjusting transactions on signature loans (payment method 16).

Employee Changes Affects Household


CMP: 2782, 3200


CIM GOLD Version 7.9.4

We have updated the Marketing and Collections screen > CIF tab. Now if users make any changes to the Employment Information fields, those changes are also updated on both the Customer Relationship Management > Employment Information screen and Households screen (Names tab, then Detailed Personal Information tab for the Occupation and Employer fields). Previous to this release, employment changes made on the CIF tab would update the Employment Information screen but not the Households screen.


These changes are only for employment information marked as Primary Employer.

Today's Date Defaults into Event Letter Date Field


CMP: 1818

Work Order: 46206


CIM GOLD Version 7.9.4

When creating and sending an event letter by entering a record on the Loans > Account Information > Actions/Holds/Event Letters screen, the system now automatically defaults today’s date into the Date field, as shown below.



Promise to Pay Collection Comment Added to Promise Tracking Screen


CMP: 1952, 5485

Work Order: 46598


CIM GOLD Version 7.9.4

If a Collection Comment Code that starts with "PP" is entered on a customer loan account (on the Loans > Marketing and Collections screen > Contact tab or Queues > Collection Queues > Collection Queues screen), that Comment Code now appears in the new Comment Code column on the Loans > Statistics and Summaries > Promise Tracking screen (see below).


This enhancement helps you better track what type of Comment Codes are successful and not successful. For example, you could set up a PPTEXT comment code, and see how many promises are kept due to text messages.


Note: If you want to include special comment codes such as PPHONE (for promised payment by phone), PPMAIL (promised payment via mail), or PPTEXT (promised payment via text), you will need to add those special promised payment comments to the Loans > System Setup Screens > Collection Comment Codes screen. Make sure the collection comment code starts with "PP." The system will not include it in the Comment Code column if it only starts with one P or another number or letter. See the example below showing special Promised Payment codes, as well as the regular Promised Payment (PPAY) code.


Once that comment code has been entered on that screen, you then have to mark it so it's in the list of available Comment Codes by going to the Loans > System Setup Screens > Client Code Setup > Collection Comment Codes screen. User-entered codes are at the bottom of the list. Check the Add box in front of the new promised payment codes you entered, then click <Save>. The new codes should then appear in the Comment Code list on the Contact tab for users.


Loans > Statistics and Summaries > Promise Tracking Screen

Loans > Statistics and Summaries > Promise Tracking Screen




Employment Start/End Dates Now Available on Marketing and Collections Screen


CMPs: 2200

Work Order: 45359


CIM GOLD 7.9.4

The employment Start Date field can now be viewed and edited on the CIF tab of the Loans > Marketing and Collections screen (in addition to the existing copy of this field on the Customer Relationship Management > Employment Information screen).


Use the Start Date field to indicate the date the account owner began working for the indicated Employer. If the account owner has ceased working for the indicated employer for any reason, mark the Terminated checkbox field and use the accompanying date field to indicate the date of termination.


Loans > Marketing and Collections Screen > CIF Tab

Loans > Marketing and Collections Screen > CIF Tab




Late Charge Assessed Date Added to Screen


CMP: 1203


CIM GOLD version 7.9.4

The Date Last Assessed field (LNLTDT) has been added to the Late/NSF tab of the Loan Account Detail screen. This field has never been on any screen but you could add it to your GOLDWriter/GOLDMiner reports and GOLD EventLetters. This field displays the date the account was last assessed a late charge.


See the following example of this tab with the new field.


Loans > Account Information > Account Detail Screen > Late/NSF Tab

Loans > Account Information > Account Detail Screen > Late/NSF Tab




Amortize All Checkbox Replaced By Deferred Cost Checkbox


CMP: 4566


CIM GOLD version 7.9.4

The Amortize All (F1TALL) checkbox field has been replaced by the Deferred Cost (F1KOST) checkbox field in the Fee/Cost Information field group (which is present on both the Loans > Account Information > Amortizing Fees And Costs and Loans > Cards and Promotions screens).


Use the Deferred Cost field to indicate whether the selected cost item is a deferred cost (rather than a fee). See the Amortizing Fees And Costs help for more information concerning amortizing fees and costs.




The Amortize All field was mainly for informational purposes. It can still be viewed on the Loans > Account Information > Signature Loan Details screen for signature loans. You can also include this field in GOLDMiner or GOLDWriter reports.

Investor Record Duplicate Protection


CMP: 6944


CIM GOLD version 7.9.4

An error was allowing users to create new Investor Master records with the same ID number as the most recently added investor. This error has been corrected.



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