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File Services Plus

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File Services Plus

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New Vaulting Service in File Services Plus


CMP: 7074, 7530, 8562, 10076, 10586


CIM GOLD version 7.9.11

Note: This was advertised in the CIM GOLD 7.9.10 release. However, we found some bugs, so we fixed those bugs and are re-releasing this in version 7.9.11.


A vaulting service has been added to File Services Plus (FSP) in order to comply with government regulations laid out in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). This service prevents original documents from being altered except by authorized personnel at your institution and is also intended to ensure that document copies are watermarked appropriately and control of documents remains with the proper individuals.


This is a complex feature that affects multiple aspects of File Services Plus. See the vaulting service help for a comprehensive explanation of the vaulting service, including:


An explanation of Article 9-105 of the UCC

CIM GOLD security and File Services Plus setting requirements

An explanation of the process of setting up watermarks

An explanation of other places in File Services Plus where vaulting settings are used


In addition to visiting the help page linked above, contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager to learn more about this feature.

Update to Security for File Services Plus


CMP: 13529


CIM GOLD version 7.9.11

Because we added a new security option for vaulting services, the security settings for File Services Plus were not working correctly. It was found that even if a user had Maintain security access to attach files, export files, transfer files, or view statistics, those items would be grayed out in the File Service Plus menu or from the right-click pop-up dialog. This has been corrected, and users with security should be able to access those functions.


See the Vaulting help in the File Services Plus User's Guide for more information concerning this new security option.

File Services Now Allows for More Attachments


CMP: 11877, 12358

Work Orders: 56112, 56117


CIM GOLD version 7.9.11

One institution uses the legacy File Services system, and they requested we increase the limit of attachments from 36 to more than 50 per account. We have implemented this change for them, and now there should be no limit to the number of files you can attach to accounts.


Note: All other institutions should be using File Services Plus instead.





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