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Dealer System

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Dealer System

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New Approval Expiration Option


CMP: 11874

Work Order: 56114

Institution: 328

CIM GOLD Version 7.21.3

We have added a new option to the Dealer System. This new option enables you to make the Approval Expiration field file maintainable for dealers with a Temporary Approval status by users with proper field-level security. This allows employees with proper field-level security to manually select the date when the temporary approval will expire and to update this date as needed. The Approval Expiration field appears on the Dealer System > Dealers screen (as shown below). Note: The Approval Expiration field only accepts dates in the future.


Note: This option has been set up for a specific institution (328). If you are interested in using this new option, please contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To set up this option for an institution, click on the “Institution Options & Restrictions” link on the Institution Data tab on the Dealer System > Institution Configuration screen. Then, check the Temporary Application Date Override field.


Approval Expiration Field on the Dealer System > Dealers Screen

Approval Expiration Field on the Dealer System > Dealers Screen




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