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Report Details field group

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Report Details field group

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This field group displays detailed information about the report selected in the GOLDPrint Status Update list view.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Report Title

This field displays the title or description of the report.


This field displays the name of the profile.

Profile ID

This field displays the identification number of the profile.

As Of Date

This field displays the date of the report or the date the report was run.

Date Completed

This displays the date the report was processed.

System ID

This field displays the system that the report is associated with (Deposit, Loan, or Sys-Print).

Report Code

This field displays the report code. For deposit and loan reports, this displays the report code associated with the report. For sys-print reports, this displays the two-digit number associated with the Sys-Print setup.

Report Sequence

This field displays the report sequence number.


This displays the report destination (Print, Download, Email:PDF, or Email:TEXT).


This field displays the printer location or name if the report is set up to be printed.

Document Path

This field displays the path or location on the PC or network where the files will be downloaded to if the report is set up to be downloaded.

Unique ID

This displays the unique identification number assigned to the report.

Program Name

This displays the program associated with the report.


This displays the frequency (how often the report runs) of the report.

Date Updated

This displays the date the report was last modified.

Time Updated

This displays the time the report was last modified.

Updated Emp Name

This displays the name of the employee or process that last updated the report.

Updated Emp #

This displays the identification number of the employee or process that last updated the report.


This displays if there was an error associated with processing the report.

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