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OFAC Search Screen

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OFAC Search Screen

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The Miscellaneous > OFAC Search screen allows you to search customers' names for Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) matches.


OFAC is a Windows-based program that verifies whether a new customer is eligible to open an account in the United States. The program accesses and searches a database imported from the U.S. Treasury Department of specially designated nationals and blocked individuals. The Office of Foreign Asset Controls and other government agencies create a number of lists for which institutions should not do business. See below for a list of entity types included in OFAC lists.


hmtoggle_arrow1OFAC list inclusions


If a name comes up as a match on the OFAC list, follow your institution’s procedures on how to move forward with the customer. Validating names through OFAC ensures your institution is in compliance with government regulations.



Note: Sometimes, names appear on OFAC reports when they should not. This generally happens because the Soundex matches a name in the OFAC file. See Soundex for more information about how this system works and OFAC Institution Options for information about how to refine its results. A name can be manually prevented from appearing on the report by marking the Skip OFAC Testing? field on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen, Incoming ACH tab.



Two GOLDPoint Systems reports pertain to OFAC:


The Daily ACH OFAC Match and Suspect Report (FPSDR213) is run daily and shows any ACH transactions that were flagged against OFAC.


If your institution uses consolidated OFAC features (see below) and a household name that has been matched in OFAC is saved in the system, the name will appear on the Consolidated OFAC Report (FPSDR338).


Screen Versions

The appearance and functionality of this screen varies depending on whether your institution uses standard or consolidated OFAC Search features in CIM GOLD. If your institution uses standard OFAC search, this screen will simply appear with three basic fields and a <Search> button. See below for an example of the standard version of this screen, followed by instructions for running a standard OFAC search.


hmtoggle_arrow1OFAC Search Screen: Standard


If your institution uses consolidated OFAC search, this screen will appear with the same three basic search fields and <Search> button, but will also display an OFAC History field group. See below for an example of the consolidated version of this screen, followed by instructions for using the consolidated OFAC Search screen.


hmtoggle_arrow1OFAC Search Screen: Consolidated



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