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OFAC Institution Options

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OFAC Institution Options

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Additional institution options can be applied to help reduce the number of false positives in OFAC Searches. If these options are set, they will be used on every OFAC search processed by your institution. Contact GOLDPoint Systems for information about implementing these options, which are all found under the OP31 category.


Remember that Institution Options DFFN and NRCV must be enabled in order to use the consolidated OFAC Search screen. See the main screen help for more information about this version of the screen.


OFF1: Only Exact First Names 1st Word - If this option is set, an individual will not be matched in OFAC searches if the first word of the customer's first name is not identical to the first word of the sanctioned first name. This option is ignored when the customer name may be either an individual or an entity, or when the sanctioned name is not an individual.


OFFA: Only Exact First Names All Words - If this option is set, an individual will not be matched in OFAC searches if the entire customer's first name is not identical to the entire sanctioned first name. This option is ignored when the customer name may be either an individual or an entity, or when the sanctioned name is not an individual.


OFO1: Only Exact Org Name 1st Word - If this option is set, an entity will not be matched in OFAC searches if the first word of the entity's name is not identical to the first word of the sanctioned name. This option is ignored when the name may be either an individual or an entity.


OFOA: Only Exact Org Name All Words - If this option is set, an entity will not be matched in OFAC searches if the entire entity's name is not identical to the entire sanctioned name. This option is ignored when the name may be either an individual or an entity.


OFML: Last Name Match If The 1st Word Matches - If this option is set, an individual will be matched in OFAC searches if the first word of the customer's last name is identical to the first word of the sanctioned last name.


OFL1: Only Exact Last Names 1st Word - If this option is set, an individual will not be matched in OFAC searches if the first word of the customer's last name is not identical to the first word of the sanctioned last name. This option is ignored when the customer name may be either an individual or an entity, or when the sanctioned name is not an individual.


OFLA: Match Entire Last Name - If this option is set, an individual will not be matched in OFAC searches if the entire customer's last name is not identical to the entire sanctioned last name. This option is ignored when the customer name may be either an individual or an entity, or when the sanctioned name is not an individual.

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