Navigation:  Loan Screens > Insurance Screen Group > Policy Detail Screen > Policy Information tab > Insurance Information field group >


Navigation:  Loan Screens > Insurance Screen Group > Policy Detail Screen > Policy Information tab > Insurance Information field group >


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Entry: User, drop-down menu

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: INTYPC

Screen: Loans > Insurance > Policy Detail > Policy Information tab


Use this field to indicate the type of insurance policy being used on the customer loan account.


Possible selections in this field are:




1-49 User-defined
50 Life Insurance
51 * Life Single - Gross
52 * Life Joint - Gross
53 * Life Single - Gross/Health Questions
54 * Life Joint - Gross/Health Questions
55 * Life Single - Net Reducing
56 * Life Joint - Net Reducing
60 A&H
61 * A&H Single - 14 Day Retro
62 * A&H Joint - 14 Day Retro
63 * A&H Single - 14 Day Retro/Health Questions
64 * A&H Joint - 14 Day Retro/Health Questions
65 Accidental Death and Dismemberment
66 * A&H Single - 14 Day Elimination
67 * A&H Joint - 14 Day Elimination
70 Property Insurance
71 * Limited Property Damage (Auto)
72 Property Dual
73 Property Dual Protected
80 * Involuntary Unemployment
88Mechanical Breakdown
89 * Packaged
90 VSI Insurance (refund on early payoff)
91 Non-File (does not refund on early payoff)
98 Flood Insurance (refund on early payoff)
99 Fire Insurance (refund on early payoff)


An asterisk (*) appears before any code that is used in automated reporting to Assurant Insurance.

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