Navigation:  Loan Screens > Original Loan Disclosure Screen > Loan Disclosure Information field group >

Original Pmt Amt

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Original Loan Disclosure Screen > Loan Disclosure Information field group >

Original Pmt Amt

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No

Mnemonic: LNOPIC

Screen: Loans > Original Loan Disclosure screen


This field displays the original payment amount for both principal and interest for the customer loan account.


This field is used in connection with late charge code 24, which uses the original principal and interest in the late charge calculation.


At the time a loan is opened (transaction code 680), the system will automatically enter the P/I constant into the Face Amount field. If there is a zero P/I, such as for a line-of-credit loan, "0" will appear in this field.

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