Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Account Detail Screen > Late/NSF tab > Late Charge Options field group >

Multiple Late Notices

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Account Detail Screen > Late/NSF tab > Late Charge Options field group >

Multiple Late Notices

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Entry: System, checkbox

F/M: No

Mnemonic: LNMBNT

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Account Detail > Late/NSF tab


Check this box if late notices will be created for all multiple borrowers connected to this account (through the Customer Relationship Management > Households screen, Accounts tab, then select account owner or co-owner from the Account Ownership field). When the actual notice is created, asterisks (**) will appear in the bottom-right of the name and address section for notices created for the second, third, etc., borrowers on the loan. This will help you quickly identify when more than one notice is created for the same account.


See also:

Payment Stops Notice


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