Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Account Detail Screen > Late/NSF tab > Late Charges field group >

Late Charges Due

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Account Information Screen Group > Account Detail Screen > Late/NSF tab > Late Charges field group >

Late Charges Due

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No

Mnemonic: LNLATE

Screen: Loans > Account Information > Account Detail > Late/NSF tab


This field will contain the total amount of late charges due, if any, on this loan.


If a Waive Late Charge transaction (tran code 570) is used to reverse late charges, the amount in this field is removed.


Note: You can also assess late charges on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays if you have the appropriate institution options set up for your company. Institution Option SULT controls whether or not your company assesses late charges during the afterhours before Sundays and holidays. Institution Option SALT controls whether or not your company assesses late charges during the afterhours before Saturdays.




See help for the Collect Late Charges When Current field for detailed information about collecting late charges for the current month when payments are more than one month past due.


See also Special Late Charge Assessment and Grading for information about special late charge assessment and grading.


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