Navigation:  Loan Screens > Insurance Screen Group > Policy Detail Screen > Policy Information tab > Insurance Information field group >

Company Number

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Insurance Screen Group > Policy Detail Screen > Policy Information tab > Insurance Information field group >

Company Number

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Entry: User, alphanumeric

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: INCONO

Screen: Loans > Insurance > Policy Detail > Policy Information tab


Use this field to indicate enter the company number of the selected insurance company.


WARNING: If this field does not display the same number that is set up on the GOLD Services > General Ledger > Setup G/L and Commissions screen, the G/L number will not appear on the Loans > Payoff screen at payoff.


Note: The company number can be a General Ledger posting field. If you would like to post to the General Ledger, please contact GOLDPoint Systems first.

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