Navigation:  Loan Screens > Payoff Screen > Adjustments tab >

G/L Number

Navigation:  Loan Screens > Payoff Screen > Adjustments tab >

G/L Number

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Entry: User, numeric

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: PO1PF1

Screen: Loans > Payoff > Adjustments tab


These fields display the G/L number corresponding to each additional amount added to (or subtracted from) the Payoff Amount automatically once the payoff is processed on the Post Payoff tab. When the payoff transaction is posted, the amount of the adjustment will be debited or credited into the affected G/L accounts set up on the GOLD Services > General Ledger > G/L Account By Loan Type.


Note: When a loan is paid off, fees, costs/discounts, premiums/losses, and mortgage servicing rights will be processed at monthend (not on the date of payoff). However, if any one or more of the following conditions exists, no processing will occur:


1. If the account is a non-performing loan.


2. If General Category is “80” or greater on the Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen.


3. If the Asset Classification is 4 (doubtful) or 5 (loss).


4. Trading Indicator of 2 (held for resale), if there is no investor master or group number.


This G/L number is pulled from the G/L number on the GOLD Services > General Ledger > G/L Account By Loan Type screen.


For example, in entering a prepayment penalty adjustment owed by the customer, the G/L account used to deposit this penalty amount will be the same as the account set up for the Pre-Payment Penalty or Minimum Interest G/L account set up on the G/L Account By Loan Type screen.


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