Entry: User, list box
F/M: Yes
Mnemonic: BUCBRS
Screen: Loans > Credit Reporting > Credit Reporting & Loan Information tab
The Credit Bureau account status is determined by the status criteria discussed. (See Credit Bureau Status (Account Status).) File maintenance writes to loan history. Account statuses are as follows:
5* | Account transferred to another office |
13* | Paid or closed account/zero balance |
61 | Paid in full—was a voluntary surrender |
62 | Paid in full—was a collection account |
63 | Paid in full—was a repossession |
64 | Paid in full—was a charge off |
65* | Paid in full—foreclosure was started |
84 | 180 days or more past due |
88* | Claim filed with government for insured portion |
89* | Deed in lieu of foreclosure |
93 | Account assigned to collections |
96 | Repossession—may have a balance due |
97 | Charged off. Once a charged-off account is paid off, the status changes to 64. |
DA | Delete account. The system automatically applies this status to loans that are retracted (LNCLSD = Y and LNRNST = Y) |
*If the status is 5, 13, 65, 88, 89, 94, or 95, then a Payment Rating should also be reported.
For closed accounts (account status codes 13, 61-65), the account is only reported as closed the first month after the account is closed. It is not reported any subsequent months following that.