Navigation: Deposit Screens > Retirement Screen Group > Retirement Plan Screen > Totals tab >
Retirement Amounts field group
This field group displays contributions and balances for retirement accounts.
The fields in this field group are as follows:
Field |
Description |
Mnemonic: DMCRBL |
This field stores the current balance of the customer account and may be either a positive or negative amount.
Mnemonic: DMEYBL |
This field contains the customer account balance at the end of the previous year. The title of the field will change at year-end to reflect the correct year. The Current Balance value is moved into this field as part of year-end processing and can either be a positive or negative number. This field is used on the year-end retirement statement. |
Mnemonic: DMCNCY |
This field contains the contribution amount made to the customer account in the current calendar year. It is moved to the last year contribution field at the end of each calendar year as part of the year-end processing cycle during which time the field name is changed to reflect the appropriate year. |
Mnemonic: DMCNCL |
This field contains the contribution amount made to the customer account in the current calendar year. It is moved to the last year contribution field at the end of each calendar year as part of the year-end processing cycle, during which time the field name will also be changed to reflect the appropriate year. |
Mnemonic: DMCNLY |
This field contains the contribution amount made to the customer account in the previous calendar year but that applies to calendar year before that. This amount is moved from the current year for last year contribution field at the end of each calendar year as part of the year-end processing cycle, during which time the field name will also be changed to reflect the appropriate year. It is maintained by the system during transaction processing. |
YYYY Prior Year Contribution for YYYY
Mnemonic: DMCNPL |
This field contains the contribution amount made to the customer account in the previous calendar year. It is moved to the last year contribution field at the end of each calendar year as part of the year-end processing cycle, during which time the field name will also be changed to reflect the appropriate year. |
Mnemonic: DMTIYD |
This field contains the total amount of transfers into the customer account from other retirement accounts (in-house and trustee transfers) during the current calendar year. This field is moved to the transfers in last year field and then cleared at the end of each calendar year during the year-end processing cycle during which time the field name is changed to reflect the appropriate year. |
Mnemonic: DMTOYD |
This field contains the total amount of transfers out of the customer account to other retirement accounts (in-house and trustee transfers) during the current calendar year. This amount is moved to the transfers out last year field and then cleared at the end of each calendar year during the year-end processing cycle during which time the field name is changed to reflect the appropriate year. |
Mnemonic: DMTILY |
This field contains the total amount of transfers into the customer account from other retirement accounts (in-house and trustee transfers) during the previous calendar year. This amount is moved from the transfers in year to date field at the end of each calendar year during the year-end processing cycle during which time the field name is changed to reflect the appropriate year. |
Mnemonic: DMTOLY |
This field contains the total amount of transfers out of the customer account to other retirement accounts (in-house and trustee transfers) during the previous calendar year. The amount in this field is moved from the transfers out year to date field at the end of each calendar year during the yearend processing cycle during which time the field name is changed to reflect the appropriate year. |
Mnemonic: DMROAM |
This field contains the total amount rolled into the customer account from other retirement accounts in the current calendar year. Product roll features can be adjusted for individual customer accounts on the Deposits > Account Information > Roll Schedules screen. |
Mnemonic: DMPYRA |
This field contains the total amount rolled into the customer account from other retirement accounts in the previous calendar year. Product roll features can be adjusted for individual customer accounts on the Deposits > Account Information > Roll Schedules screen. |
Mnemonic: DMRCVA |
This field contains the amount converted to a Roth customer account from another account. |
Previous Year Roth Conversion Amount
Mnemonic: DMPYRC |
This field contains the amount converted to a Roth customer account from the previous year. |
Mnemonic: DMRECH |
This field contains an amount that was recharacterized (or re-labeled) and put into the customer account from another type of retirement account. |
Previous Year Recharacterization Rollover
Mnemonic: DMPRCR |
This field contains an amount that was recharacterized (or re-labeled) and put into the customer account from another type of retirement account for the previous year. |
Mnemonic: DMEMCY |
This field contains the contributions made by the employer to the customer account during the current calendar year. |
Previous Year Employer Contribution
Mnemonic: DMEMLY |
This field contains the contributions made by the employer to the customer account during the previous calendar year. |
Mnemonic: WKTOT1 |
This is a calculated field that displays the total amount of all distribution category codes that have been distributed in the current calendar year by the customer account. |
Mnemonic: DMDSPY |
This field contains the prior year-to-date distribution gross amount for the customer account. It is updated each yearend. |