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Incoming Return Codes

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Incoming Return Codes

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This help page explains the possible selections for the ACH Return Code field.





Insufficient Funds. The available and/or cash reserve balance is not sufficient to cover the dollar value of the debit entry.


Account Closed. A previously active account has been closed by action of the customer or the RDFI.


No Account/Unable to Locate Account. The account number structure is valid and passes the check digit validation, but the account number does not correspond to the individual identified in the entry, or the account number designated is not an open account.


Invalid Account Number.  The account number structure is not valid, the entry may fail the check digit validation, or it may contain an incorrect number of digits.


Required Prenotification Not Rcvd.


Returned per ODFI Request.  The ODFI has requested that the RDFI return the ACH entry.  If the RDFI agrees to return the entry, the ODFI must indemnify the RDFI according to Article 5 of the Operating Rules.


Authorization Revoked by Customer.  The RDFI's customer,who had previously authorized automatic deposits or withdrawals, has revoked this authorization with the originator for this type of transaction.  The receiver may request immediate credit from the receiving DFI for the unauthorized debit.  The request must be made in writing within 15 days after the receiving DFI sends or makes available to the receiver information pertaining to that debit entry.  The receiving DFI must return the rescinded transaction within 60days of the original settlement date.  This code and related Operating Rule provisions apply to Consumer entries only.


Payment Stopped. The receiver of a recurring debit transaction has the right to stop payment on any specific ACH debit. A stop payment request should be handled in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the NACHA Operating Rules. The RDFI should verify the receiver's intent when a request for stop payment is made to ensure this is not intended to revoke authorization (R07).


Uncollected Funds.  Sufficient book or ledger balance exists to satisfy the dollar value of the transaction, but the dollar value of transactions in process collection, e.g., uncollected checks, brings the available and/or cash reserve balance below the dollar value of the debit entry.


Customer Advises Not Authorized. The RDFI has been notified by the customer, the Receiver, that the originator of a given transaction has not been authorized to debit this account. The receiver may request immediate credit from the receiving DFI for an unauthorized debit.  The request must be made in writing within 15 days after the receiving DFI sends or makes available to the receiver information pertaining to that debit entry. The receiving DFI must return the rescinded transaction within 60 days of the original settlement date.This code and related Operating Rules provisions apply to consumer entries only.


Check Safekeeping Entry Return (Specify).  To be used when returning a check safekeeping entry.  This reason for return should be used only if no other return reason code is applicable. The RDFI should use the appropriate field in the addenda record to specify the reason for return, i.e., "exceeds dollar limit," "no match on ARP," "stale date," etc.


Branch Sold to Another DFI. A financial institution may continue to receive entries destined for an account at a branch that has been sold to another financial institution. Because the RDFI no longer maintains the account and is unable to post the entry, it should return the entry to the ODFI.


RDFI Not Qualified to Participate. RDFI not qualified to participate or the Routing Number is not valid.


Representative Payee Deceased. The representative payee is a person or institution authorized to accept entries on behalf of one or more other persons, such as legally incapacitated adults or minor children.  The representative payee is either deceased or unable to continue in that capacity.  The beneficiary is not deceased.


Beneficiary/Acct Holder Deceased. (1) The beneficiary is the person entitled to the benefits and is deceased.  The beneficiary may or may not be the account holder; or (2) The account holder (acting in a non representative payee capacity)is an owner of the account and is deceased.


Account Frozen.  The funds in the account have been made unavailable due to specific action taken by the RDFI or by legal action.


Field Record Edit Criteria (Specify).  Some fields that are not edited by the ACH Operator are edited by the RDFI.  If the entry cannot be processed by the RDFI, the fields causing the processing error must be identified in the addenda record information field of the return.


Improper Effective Entry Date. The effective entry date for a credit entry is more than two banking days after the banking day of processing as established by the Originating ACH Operator. The effective entry date for a debit entry is more than one banking day after the processing date.


Amount Field Error. Amount field is non-numeric. Amount field is not zero in a prenotification, DNE, ENR, Notification of Change, Refused Notification of Change, or zero dollar entry.Amount field is zero in an entry other than a prenotification, DNE, ENR, Notification of Change, Refused Notification of Change, Return, Dishonored Return, Contested Dishonored Return, or zero dollar entry.


Nontransaction Account.  The ACH entry destined for a nontransaction account would include (1) an account against which transactions are prohibited or limited (e.g., Regulation D); or, (2) a pass-through where entry is for a credit union or thrift organization, and Regulation E descriptive requirements cannot be met.


Invalid Company Identification. The identification number used in the Company Identification field is not valid. This Return Reason code will normally be used on CIE or CTP transactions.


Invalid Individual ID Number. The Individual ID number of CIE or CTP type entries is used by the receiver to identify the account. The receiver has indicated to the RDFI that the number by which the originator was identified is not correct.


Payment Refused by Biller. The receiver may return a transaction because one of the following conditions exists:  (1)a minimum amount required by the receiver has not been remitted; (2) the exact amount required has not been remitted;(3) the account is subject to litigation and the receiver will not accept the transaction; or (4) acceptance of the transaction results in an overpayment.


Duplicate Entry. The receiving DFI has received what appears to be a duplicate entry; i.e., the trace number, date, dollar amount and/or other data matches another transaction.


Addenda Error.  Addenda Record Indicator value is not 0 or 1.Addenda Record Indicator value is 0 but Addenda Record follows. Addenda Record Indicator value is 1 but no Addenda Record follows. Addenda Record Indicator on a CTX or TRX entry is 0 and Number of Items Paid or Number of Addenda Records is not zero. Addenda Record Indicator is 1 and Number of Items Paid or Number of Addenda Records is 0.The Addenda Record Indicator for notifications of change,refused notifications of change, returns, dishonored returns,contested dishonored returns, DNE, ENR, MTE, POS, SHR,TRX, and zero dollar entries other than prenotifications is not equal to “1". Addenda Type Code is not valid and is not equal to “02" for MTE, POS, or SHR entries; “05" on the Addenda Record; “98" on Automated Notification of Change or Automated Refused Notification of Change; or “99" or “05"(TRX only) on Automated Return, Automated Dishonored Return, or Automated Contested Dishonored Return Entries.Total number of Addenda Records exceeds the maximum number allowable (9,999) per Entry Detail Record (CTX, ENR,and TRX). The number of Addenda Records exceeds one (1)for CCD, CIE, DNE, MTE, POS, PPD, SHR, notifications of change, refused notifications of change, returns, dishonored returns, and contested dishonored returns. Addenda Sequence Number is not valid. The actual number of addenda records is not equal to the Number of Addenda Records in the Corporate Entry Detail Record (CTX) or the Entry Detail Record (ENR, TRX).


Mandatory Field Error. Individual Name contains all spaces or all zeros (MTE Entry). Individual Identification Number contain all spaces or all zeros (MTE entries, CIE entries, or PPD debit entries constituting notice of presentment). Check serial number contains all spaces or all zeros (POP entries, RCK entries). Card Transaction Type Code is not a valid code as specified in Appendix Two (ACH Record Format Specifications) (POS and SHR entries only). Number of Addenda Records in a Corporate Entry Detail Record is not numeric. The Return Reason Code field for return entries, the Dishonored Return Reason Code field for dishonored returns,or the Contested Dishonored Return Reason Code field for contested dishonored returns does not contain a valid code as specified in Appendix Five (Return Entries). The Change Code field for notification of change entries or the Refused COR Code field for refused notification of change entries does not contain a valid code as specified in Appendix Six(Notification of Change). On a Notification of Change or Refused Notification of Change, the Corrected Data field is blank, or on a Refused Notification of Change, the Change Code is not a currently assigned value (see Appendix Six,Notification of Change) or the COR Trace Sequence Number field is not numeric. A Refused Notification of Change is denoted by a valid Refused COR Code in the Refused COR Code field. See Appendix Six for a list of valid codes. In a dishonored return or contested dishonored return, the original RDFI Routing Number is not numeric, the Return Trace Number is not numeric, the Return Settlement Date is not a valid Julian date in the range 001-366, or the Return Reason Code is not a currently assigned value for Returns. In a contested dishonored return, the Dishonored Return Trace Number is not numeric, the Dishonored Return Settlement Date is not a valid Julian date in the range 001-366, or the Dishonored Return Reason Code is not a currently assigned value for dishonored returns. In a contested dishonored return with Contested Dishonored Return Reason Code R73 (timely original return), the Original Settlement Date is not a valid Julian date in the range 001-366, or the Date Original Entry Returned is not a valid date.


Trace Number Error. Original Entry Trace Number is not present in the Addenda Record on an automated return.Trace Number of an Addenda Record is not the same as the Trace Number of the preceding Entry Detail Record.


Routing Number Check Digit Error. The Check Digit for a Routing Number is not valid.


Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized.  The RDFI has been notified by the receiver (nonconsumer) that the originator of a given transaction has not been authorized to debit the receiver's account.


RDFI Not Participant in Check Truncation Program.


Permissible Return Entry (CCD and CTX only). The RDFI has been notified by the ODFI that the ODFI agrees to accept a CCD or CTX return entry in accordance with Article Seven,section 7.3  (ODFI agrees to accept CCD or CTX Return).


RDFI Non-Settlement. The RDFI is not able to settle the entry.


Return of XCK Entry. The RDFI determines at its sole discretion to return an XCK entry. This return reason code may only be used to return XCK entries.  An XCK entry maybe returned up to sixty days after its settlement date.


Limited Participation DFI. The RDFI’s participation has been limited by a federal or state supervisor.


Return of Improper Debit Entry. ACH debit entries (with the exception of reversals) are not permitted for use with the CIE Standard Entry Class Code. ACH debit entries (with the exception of reversals) are not permitted to loan accounts.


Return of Improper Credit Entry. ACH credit entries (with the exception of reversals) are not permitted for use with the POP Standard Entry Class Code. PPD entries constituting notice of presentment of an eligible item as defined by Article Two,subsection 2.8.2 (Eligible Item) must be limited to debits to demand accounts, with the exception of reversals to correct erroneous entries (RCK entries must be limited to debits to demand accounts, with the exception of reversals to correct erroneous entries).


Non-Participant in ENR Program (ENR only)  [Return of ENR Entry by Federal Government Agency (ENR only)]. DFI and/or Originator not a participant in the ENR automated enrollment program.


Invalid Transaction Code (ENR only). Either the transaction code included in Field 3 of the Addenda Record does not conform to the ACH Record Format Specifications contained in Appendix Two (ACH Record Format Specifications), or it is not appropriate with regard to an automated enrollment entry.


Routing Number/Check Digit Error (ENR only).  The routing number and the check digit included in Field 3 of the Addenda Record is either not a valid number or it does not conform to the Modulus 10 formula.


Invalid DFI Account Number (ENR only). The Receiver's account number included in Field 3 of the Addenda Record must include at least one alphanumeric character.


Invalid Individual ID Number (ENR only) [Invalid Individual ID Number/Identification Number (ENR only)].  The individual ID number provided in Field 3 of the Addenda Record does not match a corresponding ID number in the Originator's records.


Invalid Individual Name (ENR only) [Invalid Individual Name/Company Name (ENR only)]. The name of the Receiver provided in Field 3 of the Addenda Record either does not match a corresponding name in the Originator's records or is not consistent with the Originator's records.


Invalid Representative Payee Indicator (ENR only). The Representative Payee Indicator code included in Field 3 of the Addenda Record has been omitted or is not consistent with the Originator's records.


Duplicate Enrollment (ENR only). The entry is a duplicate of an automated enrollment entry previously initiated by a participant in the ENR automated enrollment program.


State Law Affecting RCK Acceptance. The RDFI is located in a state that has not adopted Revised Article 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code (1990 Official Text) and has not revised its customer agreements to allow for electronic presentment. OR The RDFI is located within a state that requires all canceled checks to a specific type of account to be returned to the Receiver within the periodic statement. An RCK entry that is returned using this Return Reason Code must be transmitted by the RDFI to its ACH Operator no later than midnight of the second banking day following the banking day of receipt of the presentment notice.


Item is Ineligible, Notice Not Provided, Signature Not Genuine, or Item Altered (adjustment entries). An entry maybe considered to be ineligible if (1) the item to which the RCK entry relates is not an item within the meaning of Revised Article 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code (1990 Official Text);(2) the item is not a negotiable demand draft drawn on or payable through or at a Participating DFI, other than a Federal Reserve Bank or Federal Home Loan Bank; (3) the item is in an amount of $2,500 or more; (4) the item does not indicate on the face of the document that it was returned due to “Not Sufficient Funds,” “NSF,” “Uncollected Funds,” or comparable language; (5) the entry is dated more than 180 days from the date the entry is being transmitted to the RDFI (i.e., the item to which the RCK entry relates is stale dated); (6) the item is drawn on a non-Consumer Account; or (7) the item has been previously presented more than two times in its physical form,or more than one time in its physical form and more than onetime as an RCK entry.OR The Originator did not provide notice as provided for within Article Three, subsection 3.5.2 (Notice Obligation).OR All signatures on the item to which the RCK entry relates are not authentic or authorized, or the item to which the RCK entry relates has been altered.An RDFI using this Return Reason Code must transmit the return entry by its ACH Operator’s deposit deadline for the return entry to be made available to the ODFI no later than the opening of business on the banking day following the sixtieth calendar day following the Settlement Date of the RCK entry to which the item relates.


Stop Payment on Item (adjustment entries). The RDFI determines that a stop payment order has been placed on the item to which the RCK entry relates. An RDFI using this Return Reason Code must transmit the return entry by its ACH Operator’s deposit deadline for the return entry to be made available to the ODFI no later than the opening of business on the banking day following the sixtieth calendar day following the Settlement Date of the RCK entry to which the item relates.


Misrouted Return. The financial institution preparing the return entry (the RDFI of the original entry) has placed the incorrect routing number in the Receiving DFI Identification field(positions 04-12, including Check Digit, of the Entry Detail Record).


Incorrect Trace Number. The trace number found in positions07-21 in the Addenda Record of the return entry is different from the trace number of the original entry.


Incorrect Dollar Amount. The dollar amount in the Entry Detail Record of the return entry is different from the dollar amount of the original entry.


Incorrect Individual Identifier. The individual identification number reflected in the Entry Detail Record of the return entry is different from the individual identification number/identification number used in the original entry.


Incorrect Transaction Code. The transaction code in the Entry Detail Record of the return entry is not the return equivalent of the transaction code in the original entry.  (See list of transaction codes in Appendix Two (ACH Record Format Specifications). All entries must be returned as received: e.g.,credit as credit, debit as debit, demand as demand, savings as savings).


Incorrect Company Identification. The company identification number used in the Company/Batch Header Record of the return entry is different from the company identification number used in the original entry.


Duplicate Return.  The ODFI has received more than one return for the same entry.


Untimely Return. The return entry has not been sent within the time frame established by these rules.


Multiple Errors. Two or more of the following fields are incorrect: Original Entry Trace Number, Amount, Individual Identification Number/ Identification Number, Company Identification, and/or Transaction Code.


Permissible Return Entry Not Accepted. The ODFI has received a CCD or CTX return entry identified by the RDFI as being returned with the permission of the ODFI, but the ODFI has not agreed to accept the entry. This code may be used only to dishonor a return containing an R31 return reason code.


Misrouted Dishonored Return. The financial institution preparing the dishonored return entry (the ODFI of the original entry) has placed the incorrect Transit/Routing Number in the Receiving DFI Identification field (positions 04-12, including Check Digit, of the Entry Detail Record).


Untimely Dishonored Return. The dishonored return entry has not been sent within the designated time frame.


Timely Original Return.  The RDFI is certifying that the original return entry was sent within the time frame designated in these rules.


(Corrected Return)  The RDFI is correcting a previous return entry that was dishonored because it contained incomplete or incorrect information.


Unknown Reason.

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