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By Account Number field group

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By Account Number field group

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Use this field group to establish parameters to search the system for available account numbers. A list generated on this screen can be used for reference or sent to your check processor when ordering new account kits. Up to 5 search parameters can be established in this field group. When <Get Account Numbers> is clicked, all available account numbers that fall within all established search parameters will appear in the Print Available Accounts list view.


Product Code search parameters cannot be combined with parameters established in this field group. Only one type of search can be conducted at a time.




Use the Starting Office Account Number (left column) and Starting Account Number (middle column) fields to indicate which office and account numbers should act as the starting numbers of the search parameters. In other words, only office and account numbers equal to or higher than the numbers entered in these fields will appear in the Print Available Accounts list view when <Get Account Numbers> is clicked.


Use the Number of Accounts field to indicate how many accounts in the corresponding Office and Account number search parameters will appear in the Print Available Accounts list view when <Get Account Numbers> is clicked.


For example, a user sets up two search parameters on this page. "1" and "10" are entered in two Starting Office Account Number fields, "1" and "200" are entered in two corresponding Starting Account Number fields, and "3" and "60" are entered in two corresponding Number of Accounts fields. The user clicks <Get Account Numbers> and 63 available account numbers appear in the Print Available Accounts list view. The first 3 account numbers in the list view are the first 3 account numbers available from Office #01, starting from account #0000001. The next 60 account numbers in the list view are the first 60 account numbers available from Office #10, starting from account #0000200.

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