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Address Change

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Address Change

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This event will generate a letter any time any part of the address mailing lines change for an open or closed deposit or loan account. If multiple accounts are tied to the same address, an event record will generate for the IRS owner tied to each account with that mailing address. One letter per IRS owner will be created. Letters should be sent to the "old" address (remember this when creating your mail merge document). The merge fields are as follows:




The "new" address should be indicated in the body of the letter using the new mailing line merge fields. The merge fields are as follows:




Only one account number for each IRS owner per address change will be available for the event, and all mailing address changes tied to deposit and loan accounts will be included. Additionally, the account owner will receive a letter for each card tied to the account when the address changes.


For CIS clients, a letter will be created for the regular account address or the alternate address, whichever one is in effect at the time of the change.


It is important to note that events generated for loan accounts are still generated in the Deposit Events system. All 2040 address change events, regardless of whether they are a deposit or loan, will be generated in the Deposit Events system. If a loan event letter is ordered, it will show on the history for the loan.


In order for this event to generate for a loan account, you must checkmark the Address Change checkbox field on this screen.


If you are already using the address change event letter, but want to add loan accounts, please send in a work order and the minimum one-time fee will be assessed. If you want to begin using the address event letter for the first time, send in a work order and a $450.00 one-time fee will be assessed for the use of this event. Be sure to indicate if you want loan accounts included.



Note: Institution options OP15-ADEV and OP16-ALEV must both be turned on to process the address change event for both deposits and loans.


Event Number: 2040, 2140 (No Mail - See the main Event Setup Screen help for more information on the No Mail Option.)


Event Letter: None

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