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Account Maturities

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Account Maturities

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This event will run based on three different run options, with up to two different monthly run days. An anticipated balance and next maturity date are calculated and available for use with this event. For interest destinations 1 and 2, the anticipated balance will be the current balance. For interest destination 0, the anticipated balance will be the interest for the coming term added to the current balance.



Note: Once you download the Account Maturities letters from GOLD EventLetters, the merge fields applicable to that letter can be inserted using Microsoft® Word. The <<TERM_TYPE>> merge field will be plural unless the <<TERM>> merge field is equal to "1" (for example, 1 month, 1 year; 3 months, 3 years). We suggest that you make sure your Maturity Event Letters are grammatically correct with this in mind. For example, if you enter "your <<TERM>> <<TERM_TYPE>> certificate" and the certificate term is for three months, the letter would print "your 3 months certificate." Instead, you can write “your certificate matures in <<TERM>> <<TERM TYPE>>," and the letter will print "your certificate matures in 3 months” when the fields are merged with actual data.


See Tying Data Source Files in the GOLD EventLetters User's Guide for detailed instructions on how to merge fields into a Microsoft Word document.


Event Number: 4010, 4110 (No Mail - See the main Event Setup Screen help for more information on the No Mail Option.)


Event Letter: Four-digit Product Code, or if the Sort By Office field (see below) is checked, the letter number will be the account's office number.


See the following options involving this event:


By OfficeBy Office


By OfficeBy Institution


By OfficeRun Option/Run Days (IEMTRO/IEMTRN/IEMTR2)

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