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Distributors Screen Details

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Distributors Screen Details

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Use the Distributors screen to search for, view, set up, and update distributors. A distributor is the intermediary entity between the producer of a product and another entity in the distribution channel, such as a retailer or reseller.


Screen Example

See the following example of the Distributors screen followed by field and button descriptions.


Distributors Screen

Distributors Screen


Field Descriptions




Include Inactive

Check this field to include inactive distributors in your search.


Enter a name in this field and click the <Search by Name> button to search for a distributor by name. Or, enter a number in this field and click the <Search by Number> button to search for a distributor by the number assigned to them.


You can also click the "Advanced Search" link to open the Advanced Search dialog to be able to search by number, name, phone/fax number, city, state, and email address.

Distributors List View

This list view displays all of the distributors that have been set up. Clicking on a distributor in this list view displays the details of that distributor in the Distributor Detail fields below where you can edit and update information for the distributor.


This list view contains the following columns which can be used to sort:

Number: Displays the number of the distributor. This number is assigned by the system as the distributor is created.

Name: Displays the name of the distributor.

City: Displays the city where the distributor is located.

State: Displays the state where the distributor is located.

Active: Displays whether or not the distributor is active. A check in this column signifies that the distributor is active.

Phone Number: Displays the phone number for the distributor.

Creation Date: Displays the date when the distributor was set up.


Enter the name for the distributor in this field.

Parent Name

Enter the name of the parent company in this field.

Web Address

Enter the URL of the distributor's website in this field.


Click on the EIN or SSN radio button. This determines what type of number (EIN or SSN) that you will be entering for the distributor in the EIN/SSN Number field.


EIN stands for Employer Identification Number, also known as a federal tax identification number, and is used to identify a business entity.


SSN stands for Social Security Number and is issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary residents by the U.S. government. It is a national identification number used for taxation and other purposes.

EIN/SSN Number

Select the EIN or SSN radio button and enter the EIN or SSN for the distributor in this field.


EIN stands for Employer Identification Number, also known as a federal tax identification number, and is used to identify a business entity.


SSN stands for Social Security Number and is issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary residents by the U.S. government. It is a national identification number used for taxation and other purposes.

Email Address

Enter the email address that should be used to contact the distributor in this field.


Check this field to activate the distributor. You can also remove the check from this field to make the distributor inactive.

Do Not Fax

Check this field to indicate that the distributor does not want to receive any faxes or cannot receive a fax.

Phone and Fax List View

This list view displays all of the phone and fax numbers that have been set up for the distributor. Double-clicking on a number in this list view opens the Edit Phone Numbers dialog and allows you to update or delete the selected number or to create a new phone or fax number. You can also click on the <Phone Numbers> button to open the Edit Phone Numbers dialog.


This list view contains the following columns which can be used to sort:

Type: Displays the type of number (fax or main line phone number).

Phone Number: Displays the fax of main line phone number for the distributor.

Physical Address List View

This list view displays all of the addresses that have been set up for the distributor. Double-clicking on an address in this list view opens the Edit Addresses dialog and allows you to update or delete the selected address or to create a new address. You can also click on the <Addresses> button to open the Edit Addresses dialog.


This list view contains the following columns which can be used to sort:

Type: Displays the type of address (physical or mailing).

Street Address: Displays the street address for the distributor address.

City: Displays the city for the distributor address.

State: Displays the state for the distributor address.

ZIP: Displays the ZIP code for the distributor address.

Payment Option

Select the payment option for the distributor from this drop-down list. You can view the details of the selected payment option by clicking the <ACH Detail> button.


Button/Link Descriptions




<Search by Name>

Enter a name in the Search field and click this button to search for a distributor by name.

<Search by Number>

Enter a number in the Search field and click this button to search for a distributor by the number assigned to them.

"Advanced Search"

Click this link to open the Advanced Search dialog to be able to search by number, name, phone/fax number, city, state, and email address.


Click this button to add a contact person to the distributor.

<Custom Data>

Click this button to edit the custom data for the distributor.


Click this button to create a new note for the distributor or to view previous notes.


Click this button to tie a dealer, product, manufacturer, etc. to a distributor.

<Phone Numbers>

Click this button to add, edit, or delete a phone or fax number for the distributor.


Click this button to add, edit, or delete an address for the distributor.

<ACH Detail>

Click this button to view the details of the payment option selected in the Payment Option field.

<Create New>

Click this button to clear the fields on the screen and create a new distributor.

<Revert Changes>

Click this button to undo any changes that you have made prior to clicking <Save>. Once you have clicked <Save>, you cannot undo your changes.


Click this button to save any changes that you have made.


See also:

Distributors Screen

Dealer System


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