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Announcements Screen Details

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Announcements Screen Details

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Use the Dealer System Announcements screen to create, view, edit, or expire the announcements that your institution wants to post for dealers. Announcements set up on this screen are posted for dealers to view in eGOLDTrak. Previously created announcements appear in the Announcements list view on this screen.


Screen Example

See the following example of the Announcements screen followed by field and button descriptions.


Announcements Screen

Announcements Screen


Field Descriptions




WCF Connection URL

This field displays the URL used for the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) connection.

Announcements List View

This list view displays all of the announcements set up for the institution.

Show Expired Announcements

Check this field to display announcements that have expired in the Announcements list view.


Button Descriptions




<Create Announcement>

Click this button to open the Create New Announcement dialog and enter in the information needed to create a new announcement.


Select an announcement in the Announcement list view and click this button to be able to edit the selected announcement using the Edit Announcement dialog.


Select an announcement in the Announcement list view and click this button to add, change, or delete the relationships tied to the selected announcement.

<Attach File>

Select an announcement in the Announcement list view and click this button to attach a file to the announcement. Note: You must select an Attachment-type announcement for this button to be available.

<Download File>

Select an announcement in the Announcement list view and click this button to download the file that is attached to the announcement. Note: You must select an Attachment-type announcement for this button to be available.


See also:

Announcement Screen

The Dealer System


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