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Ancillary Products Screen

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Ancillary Products Screen

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You can use the Ancillary Products screen in the Dealer System to set up the ancillary products that you want to offer to dealers or consumers.


Ancillary products are any additional services offered through your institution, such as AAA Auto insurance, Continental Car Club, United Car Club, service contracts, etc. The amount for ancillary products can be rolled in with the cost of the loan, or the customer can purchase them separately (depending on your institution's needs). Note: Ancillary products are separate from insurance policies.



Additional Information


For an example of this screen and definitions of each of the fields on this screen, see the Ancillary Products Screen Details section.


This screen is accessed by going to Dealer System > Ancillary Products screen in the CIM GOLD tree view.


See also:

Ancillary Products Screen Details

The Dealer System


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