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Review and Modify Plan Relationships

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Review and Modify Plan Relationships

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Use the Relationships tab on the Dealer Setup > Plans screen to add or remove manufacturers, products, and dealers to or from the plan selected in the Search Results list view.


Add a Relationship to a Plan

Remove a Relationship from a Plan


Add a Relationship to a Plan

To add a manufacturer, product, or dealer to the selected plan, complete the following steps:


1.Go to the Relationships tab.

2.Use the Manufacturers, Products, and Dealers tabs to locate the desired relationship(s) to add to the plan. Select the relationship(s).

3.Click <Add Relationship(s)> to add the relationship(s) to the plan.

4.The selected relationship(s) now appears in the Plan Relationships list view.


Remove a Relationship from a Plan

To remove a manufacturer, product, or dealer from the selected plan, complete the following steps:


1.Go to the Relationships tab.

2.Select the manufacturer, product, or dealer to be removed in the Plan Relationships list view.

3.Click <Drop Relationship(s)> to remove the relationship(s) from the plan.

4.The selected relationship(s) is now removed from the Plan Relationships list view.


For more information about the tabs and fields on the Plans screen, see Plans Screen Details.

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