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Products Screen

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Products Screen

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Use this screen to view and edit information about products financed by dealers at your institution. The list view in the middle of this screen displays all products previously set up on this screen by default. Use the Search by fields to set more narrow parameters for products to appear in the list view. See below for more information about running searches on this screen.


hmtoggle_arrow1Product Search



Dealer Setup > Products Screen


Click <Create New> to create a new product using the fields on the bottom of this screen. Select a product in the list view to edit that product's information in the fields below. Contact GOLDPoint Systems for further information regarding these fields. The mnemonics for these fields are PRNMBR, PRVALU, PRNADT, PRDTCR, PRCTYP, PRSTS1, PRUCC, PRSTUS, and PRSTS2.



Record Identification: The fields on this screen are stored in the GTPR record (Dealer Product Record). You can run reports for this record through GOLDMiner or GOLDWriter. See GTPR in the Mnemonic Dictionary for a list of all available fields in this record. Also see field descriptions in this help manual for mnemonics to include in reports.



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