Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Institution Configuration Screen >

Log Viewer tab

Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Institution Configuration Screen >

Log Viewer tab

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Use this tab to search for and export eGOLDTrak logs.


To perform a system search, enter search parameters in the Log Type (Application, Audit, or Performance), Log Action, Start Time, and End Time fields. Click <Show Logs> to display the results in the list view on this tab.


To export the displayed list of logs to a CSV (comma separated value) file, click <Export Logs>.



Dealer Setup > Institution Configuration Screen, Log Viewer Tab


The list view displays the following information about logs that match the indicated search criteria:


Type: The type of log (Application, Audit, or Performance).

Date/Time: The date and time the log occurred. (Performance logs don't populate this column.)

Level: The level of the log.

Action: A description of the log type, such as DealerSecurity or Application.

Message: The message set, if any.

Details: The details of the log (application log only).

Additional Data: Any additional information about the log.

User Name: The name of the user. (Application logs don't populate this column.)

User Type: The type of user (Dealer/Consumer/Host). (Application logs don't populate this column.)

Completed: The DateTime the action was completed. (performance log only).

Duration: The length of time the action took (performance log only).

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