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Institution Data field group

Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Institution Configuration Screen > Institution Data tab >

Institution Data field group

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Use this field group to indicate eGOLDTrak information about your institution.




The fields in this field group are as follows:




Institution Name

Use this field to indicate your institution's name.

Institution Number

Use this field to indicate your institution's ID number (as assigned by GOLDPoint Systems).

Phone Number

Use this field to indicate the phone number used to contact your institution. This is the phonenumber displayed in correspondence with the institution's customers.

Email From

Use this field to indicate the e-mail address used in correspondence with your institution's customers.


Use this field to indicate the URL of your institution's Web site.

Document Provider Institution Name

Use this field to indicate the name your institution's document provider Web service uses to connect to the Host.

Document Provider Web Service URL

Use this field to indicate the URL of your institution's document provider Web service.

Announcement Purge Days

Use this field to indicate the number of days after posting when the system will delete announcements from the eGOLDTrak home page.

Announcement Show Days

Use this field to indicate the number of days an announcement is displayed as "New" on the eGOLDTrak home page.

Reporting Database Connection String

Use this field to indicate the reporting database connection used by the system to connect eGOLDTrak to your institution's database for reporting purposes. A database connection string specifies information about a data source and the means of connecting to it.

Database Connection String

This field displays the database connection string that is currently used by your institution to connect to eGOLDTrak. A database connection string specifies information about a data source and the means of connecting to it.

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