Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Institution Configuration Screen > Email Configuration tab >

Email Alerts field group

Navigation:  Dealer Setup > Dealer Setup Screens > Institution Configuration Screen > Email Configuration tab >

Email Alerts field group

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Use this field group to set up individual and branch e-mail alerts. See the Email Configuration tab help page to learn about the use of buttons on this tab.


Click <Create Recipient> to open the Create Email Recipient dialog and create an e-mail recipient. The recipient will appear in the Email Alerts list view in this field group.


The Alerts Branches list view displays all branches for which the recipient selected in the Email Alerts list view will receive application submission alerts. Select a recipient in the Email Alerts list view and click <Select Branches> to open the Select Alert Branches dialog. Use this dialog to indicate which branches the selected recipient will receive application submission alerts for.



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